
Time “He flexes like a whore” Not sure why that particular description and Bowie lyric and song flashed into my mind, but there it is. I think the implication is that time is cleverer than you, more alluring, ultimately unknowable, and one step beyond or ahead – maybe. Thinking about the past and the future … Continue reading Time


Seeds. Sunday morning. Sanding down the edges until we fit. There should be a lot to say. The sun peeped out, peering through the clouds. Birds are chattering – I think it is because I see the squirrel is acrobatically dangling from the tree branch and blocking all other access to bird seed. It’s a … Continue reading Seeds

True Projection

I have always loved railway stations. Trains. Even when I was scared as a child, scared of the large locomotives that loomed up over the platform, with only tiny metal steps to climb up to a puffing and heaving thing, threatening to leave at any moment, it was a fear mixed with excitement. An anxiety … Continue reading True Projection

Holding On To

2.2.22 Nobody gets the life they intended. It sounds so grim, right? But actually, maybe it’s a good thing. I was reading something about looking at times in your life when good things happened, when there were shifts, and suddenly things changed. To try and look back, and think about what led to those changes. … Continue reading Holding On To