
Spring seems a good time to write poetry. Actually, so does winter. We will see what happens in summer. So Slow I forget. A lot. Thé sponge goes round the dish. The list of emails seems So Fascinating. Warned, I was, not to do things So Quickly. I studied the others. Those who read the … Continue reading Poems


Time “He flexes like a whore” Not sure why that particular description and Bowie lyric and song flashed into my mind, but there it is. I think the implication is that time is cleverer than you, more alluring, ultimately unknowable, and one step beyond or ahead – maybe. Thinking about the past and the future … Continue reading Time


Seeds. Sunday morning. Sanding down the edges until we fit. There should be a lot to say. The sun peeped out, peering through the clouds. Birds are chattering – I think it is because I see the squirrel is acrobatically dangling from the tree branch and blocking all other access to bird seed. It’s a … Continue reading Seeds