Well. A deep subject. Don’t worry. It’s an inside joke. I must be feeling better, because I feel compelled to write something about the experience. I doubt it will have any linear clarity, but linear movement, like constant growth, is a post-capitalist economist trick of the light to make everyone feel that if they aren’t … Continue reading Well, well, well
Heroes in the Bin
Another Sunday. And while reading an elegantly written review by Olivia Laing of Wifedom in The Guardian – another hero hit the bricks. One tends to believe that those devoted to social justice and unveiling the manipulations of society would be removed from treating others, particularly their women partners, badly, though why I would believe … Continue reading Heroes in the Bin
Where have all the flowers gone…
I’ve been thinking about how the discussion on climate change reveals certain trends. There is the falsely reassuring market in carbon, now collapsing. Pictures of fires and smoke and holiday makers evacuating are juxtaposed with talk of El Nino cycles. Currents in the ocean may stop. The ocean water in Florida is warmer than your … Continue reading Where have all the flowers gone…
Darkness Deep Blue
I stand between storm and side Darkness deep blue Light grey white paint brush strokes the waves. The light, pours For it is not sun, it is from the echoes of reflection Place a seagull in the spotlight. Edith Piaf smiles from above. Little birds recognize each other and then It is a memory. Jane … Continue reading Darkness Deep Blue
Where the light is
I think today’s subject is that line about Where the cracks are is where the light comes in. Or something like that. Was it Leonard Cohen? Why yes it is. From a song called “Anthem.” Ring the bells that still can ringForget your perfect offeringThere is a crack a crack in everythingThat's how the light … Continue reading Where the light is
A Tale of Two Burgers
A Tale of Two Burgers A short retelling of the ancient legend of burger 1 and burger 2. Once upon a time, there was a small child who had been brought up to eat and drink, while checking carefully for any possible poisons that might have slipped in. This was fairly normal, or so the … Continue reading A Tale of Two Burgers
Humanizing the demonic
Which page to start on? You don’t have those issues with a computer. Should we be thinking about tactile objects more? Is there a danger living too much in a virtual or as they say in food, super processed, world? So many smells, tastes, and now thoughts and images are artificial, that is to say, … Continue reading Humanizing the demonic
Spring seems a good time to write poetry. Actually, so does winter. We will see what happens in summer. So Slow I forget. A lot. Thé sponge goes round the dish. The list of emails seems So Fascinating. Warned, I was, not to do things So Quickly. I studied the others. Those who read the … Continue reading Poems
Full Moon Dive
Scorpio Full Moon and other deep dives Well, they said the full moon and eclipse were going to be intense. What that could actually mean was unpredictable. After several years of unpredictability, I am no longer sure if I have shock fatigue or if I’m getting better at riding the wave. Dude. Last night teenagers … Continue reading Full Moon Dive
Healing Reality
Healing Reality Nowhere in Two Places. Well, it’s out in paperback. I am working on new material. I do hear a voice in my head saying work harder. But then again I see bands cashing in on the 50th anniversary of this or that, releasing a box set of singles, with photographs, blah etc. blah. … Continue reading Healing Reality