Merry Christmas Eve to everyone. Here at the manse I've been working with Tristan and Lily. I'm nearly as demanding as Tristan, so there have been a few difficult moments. But I think by tomorrow we should be able to say job well done, and dress up and celebrate with a couple of bottles of … Continue reading Christmas Eve
Another Moment of Silence
Unspeakable. One of my resolutions has become to fight for sensible gun laws. This is not about deer hunting. It's about saving children, and putting an end to this mindless violence that is far too easily obtained.
I had the good fortune to go see Cyndi Lauper's Home For The Holidays benefit concert for LGBT homeless youth over the weekend. It was for a great cause - I don't know why it surprised me to hear that gay youths are 40% of the young homeless population - disproportionally represented, and still at … Continue reading Concerts
A moment of silence
This is always a sad time, for so many reasons. This is one of them.
Christmas is coming…
Christmas is always a fun time of year. I am enjoying spending time by the virtual fire with Tristan, putting up decorations and writing. I wasn't expecting him to come in but he does look good in the Christmas tea towel, even if it's a little small. He said he was looking at the new … Continue reading Christmas is coming…
With Ribbons
An old friend of mine just sent me an email that reminded me about the incredible power of scent and touch memory. Like Proust's madeleine, it does seem that some images and memories are stronger when they combine more than one sense at a time. Sometimes just a faint hint of something we loved to … Continue reading With Ribbons
Ok. Soooo... I would like a prompt. What would you like to see Tristan doing? Where? All ideas welcome. Where does your Tristan go?
A great blog…and a great review
I was contacted a few days ago by this fantastic blog. They told me they were reading the book, and were going to put up a review. Naturally, I checked out the blog. Impressed, I then had to wait for the verdict! And they loved it! Always a thrill to know the book is winning … Continue reading A great blog…and a great review
Reviews of Access All Areas
It's been incredible to read all the comments and reviews. So many of them are thoughtful and personal - speaking about an issue or a detail that meant something more than simply a collection of words on a page. And you're everywhere - the best part of electronic media is that amazing ability to reach … Continue reading Reviews of Access All Areas
On the plus side, a storm is a break with all we take for granted and a chance to be properly in awe, in the romantic sense of the word, at the power which surrounds us. The creative spark.