I was reading something by Tom Cox, whose writing makes me feel like there is a point to things and began thinking. That is to say, started to organize and categorize all the ideas and thoughts that one wakes up with. The feelings and scenes and characters that sink away, the crash landing from dreams … Continue reading Feed the Birds
Plastic Rosary
Another holiday. It’s been a long time since the last blog post. Is that even what they are called anymore? Time seems to have changed again since the new year. New Year! A few years ago, I mean weeks, we celebrated. Then the wheel turned, and we were thrown into the everyday. January lasted for … Continue reading Plastic Rosary
Help Hazel
Good morning from a small town by the ocean. Hazel update - she is still fighting hard. I'm thinking about our walks by the ocean, her happy smile, and how much she loves her little family.Thank you to everyone who has donated. It means so much. Please click here to help and read about her. … Continue reading Help Hazel
Look After Each Other
Today, the feast of St. Stephen. Boxing Day. In the USA, another day. It’s still quieter though – that’s something. Today I had a moment where I realized a deep feeling of sadness and kindness towards America – the one I glimpsed in moments, the faces who stared back at me. Perhaps it is the … Continue reading Look After Each Other
Some thoughts after being bludgeoned with sales and offers and new and must have and every party should and everyone ought to and nursing bruises that only the internet can inflict. It occurs to me why out-of-control capitalism (is there another kind?) is destroying the earth. It occurred to me just this morning. This morning, … Continue reading Mint
Late Update
It's been a month since I posted anything, I haven’t been writing for anyone for the past several weeks. My keyboard and my sense of what was appropriate to express broke at the same moment the world did. I’m slowly clambering up the muddy bank, although I really dislike the new keyboard with its bizarre … Continue reading Late Update
On Studying Writing
I might have mentioned – I now seem to be doing a degree in writing. Poetry, at this moment. So, every week, there is a poetry workshop, and half the group submits poems and the entire group talks about them. There is also a reading from a book called Poets Teaching Poets. Some of the … Continue reading On Studying Writing
On Noticing
On Noticing Aristotle. Yes, the philosopher. He suggests (I can’t put philosophers in the past tense, when all their thinking bursts into life the moment you engage) that moderation is key. Knowing yourself, knowing how to react and to what and to whom in the right way. Whenever I start reading some work of a … Continue reading On Noticing
I attended an information session yesterday aimed at incoming students – grad students – of whom I am now one. It was designed to illuminate the services available around Title IX and different protections. Now there is nothing wrong with that – in fact, there is a lot of good in telling young people that … Continue reading Incoming
Labor in Vain is a Road
Labor Day. Another American holiday. There are flags. I know what I’m supposed to do. Go to the beach. Barbeque hamburgers. Listen to music and drink beer. It doesn’t sound so bad, really. I went to the market. Usually I try not to go to stores on Labor Day. Because. You know. It’s supposed to … Continue reading Labor in Vain is a Road