I am going to update the site a bit more! I've been working on book three, the continuing adventures of Tristan and Lily - that's not the title btw! - and will have some news soon about the book and the release date. Alice xx
Category: Life
Days Off
A day off, some down time, some writing, some remembering what counts. It’s amazingly easy to get caught up in the rush of everything passing by, a passive observer of life. Even the smallest errand can quickly turn into wondering if this is what you’re really meant to do, or if it’s just easier … Continue reading Days Off
Living Your Own Life
After a sad conversation yesterday with a friend who just experienced a sudden loss, I've spent some time thinking about life, and what we do with it, apart from day-to-day survival. Survival can mean so many things, and if we are lucky enough to have shelter and food, we are better off than many. But … Continue reading Living Your Own Life
Celluloid flash past
Art makes you want to talk, good art makes you want to try, great art makes you want to dissolve. Think great thoughts. Do things you haven’t done. Push that little bit harder, get off the bus, and walk into that place with the dark and purple lights and the cute girl you keep seeing … Continue reading Celluloid flash past
Saving Someone’s Life
And suddenly, from the universe, comes a voice you can't really argue with, reminding you what matters. "The musician comes first." And a sense of humor. I'm so glad I watched this. Dave Grohl - Keynote Speech
On writing and life in general
On writing and life in general. Looking back at something is never the same as living through the event or trying to describe it. As everything we go through in life filters into both our consciousness and our expression, it’s always interesting to take a long view and look back at events that we … Continue reading On writing and life in general