Hi all - just wanted to give you an update. Really, Access Unlimited has been a journey. It's been demanding and fascinating, and Tristan as a character continues to intrigue me. He had a few more things to say, and in Tristan fashion, insisted. I can't argue with him. So, speaking on his behalf, he … Continue reading Access Unlimited – update
Author: Alice Severin
Happy New Year!
Thank you everyone for a great year - two "Best of" lists included Access Restricted, and a lot of new readers who have become fans. It's been great to meet and chat to people - having that connection to people from all over the world is an incredible feeling. Your kind words and support have … Continue reading Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas – teaser from book three
Teaser from Access Unlimited - coming January 2014 He took my hand. “I imagined this,” Tristan said. “I imagined us together, just the two of us, like this.” He laughed. “Isn’t that stupid? But I could see us, holding hands, lying on the bed, on the tour bus.” He rolled over and carefully draped a … Continue reading Merry Christmas – teaser from book three
Working on the book, waiting for snow
Working on the book, waiting for snow. Thinking of what we can't have. easy tiger depeche mode Thanks to the photo from @marta_tweets.
Happy giving thanks day
Whether or not you are celebrating anything, I wish everyone a happy thanksgiving day. Here, I get a few days off, so I can concentrate on Tristan. I'm planning some teasers for this weekend, and working on an ARC giveaway for the new book - there will be more news soon. Off to write and … Continue reading Happy giving thanks day
1000 likes on Facebook!
Now that has to be cause for celebration! While I wrap up book three, which is due to come out in January, I'm thinking of some giveaways. What would you like?
Which song?
What song makes you think of Access All Areas? TotallyBooked chose this one: The Killers Which one would you pick? TotallyBooked photo
Facebook likes
Good morning! If you haven't already, come over and like the Facebook page. I'm going to be doing giveaways of signed copies when the likes hit certain numbers! Meanwhile, working on a new chapter this morning. Book three coming along nicely. Alice Severin on Facebook
I have the nicest fans
I really have the nicest fans. Sometimes, when you are in the midst of the strange dream that is writing, it feels so good to come out and feel such positivity! I posted this on Facebook this morning: Hi everyone! I hope you are having a lovely soft Sunday morning doing what you like best … Continue reading I have the nicest fans
Write write write
I am going to update the site a bit more! I've been working on book three, the continuing adventures of Tristan and Lily - that's not the title btw! - and will have some news soon about the book and the release date. Alice xx