A Holiday Post
I’m spending a lot of time on the Substack, so have been remiss in posting on the website. But must do both! It’s amazing how free time suddenly becomes a realization of all the things that do get left undone in the day to day of going to work and pretending that work life is all important. The money is important, certainly…
Anyway. Wishing you all, before I drift off to another topic, a very happy holiday season. I hope that you are all finding time or have been given time off to enjoy the things, including yourselves, that may get neglected. Next week the new year! I can’t even think about it yet.
It’s cold and icy where I am, and it does make me reluctant to go walking anywhere. It did snow – and everything looks lovely – but underneath is a layer of ice. Funny, isn’t it, how hard it can be to just stay put and read or write.
I will be posting this copyright language on the website. It’s shocking how the sudden rise of AI has meant bots and scrapers instead of actual readers. Publishers are noticing this – but what I hear more frequently is how we will have to learn to adapt and use it. Why is it that everything that we supposedly invent then becomes something that we can’t control? And all people care about is money. Not everyone. And money is important. I just protest at it becoming the deciding factor for everything.
“Please note that no part of this website may be used or reproduced in any manner for the purpose of training artificial intelligence technologies or systems.”
I’m sure the bots will take notice.
I was thinking back to a more innocent time in my life, and remembered this song was part of it.
Wishing all of you the strength to hold on to your hopes and dreams.
Ⓒ Text and Photo copyright Alice Severin