On Noticing

On Noticing Aristotle. Yes, the philosopher. He suggests (I can’t put philosophers in the past tense, when all their thinking bursts into life the moment you engage) that moderation is key. Knowing yourself, knowing how to react and to what and to whom in the right way. Whenever I start reading some work of a … Continue reading On Noticing

Labor in Vain Road


I attended an information session yesterday aimed at incoming students – grad students – of whom I am now one. It was designed to illuminate the services available around Title IX and different protections. Now there is nothing wrong with that – in fact, there is a lot of good in telling young people that … Continue reading Incoming

a bug

Well, well, well

Well. A deep subject. Don’t worry. It’s an inside joke. I must be feeling better, because I feel compelled to write something about the experience. I doubt it will have any linear clarity, but linear movement, like constant growth, is a post-capitalist economist trick of the light to make everyone feel that if they aren’t … Continue reading Well, well, well